Whether you are distributing them in person or delivering them via mail, brochures are excellent marketing and promotional tool for any business type. But did you know that some brochure types are better suited for some business objectives than others? Most people opt for traditional bi-fold brochures, but there are more types you can use for different business purposes.
Common Types Of Brochures You Can Get Right Now
Here are the most common brochure types:
BI-FOLD BROCHURE. The most standard brochure design is a bi-fold or half-fold brochure, usually an 8.5 x 11-inch paper folded in half. Bi-fold brochures are the most universally used brochure type. And it is ideal as informational packets because they perfectly fit the standard 6 x 9 envelope for mailing.
TRI-FOLD BROCHURES. A tri-fold brochure is often printed on 8.5 x 11-inch paper and folded into three rectangular sections. But what most people don't realize when designing a tri-fold brochure is that they have to lay out one side smaller because that side has to be folded in. Contents of a tri-fold brochure also have to be presented in a way that allows the story to unfold when you open the brochure.
One type of tri-fold brochure is a z-fold, in which, instead of folded in, panels are folded in opposite ways, so one side contains one cluster of information, and another group of information is on the other side. You typically see z-fold brochures used for translated content; one side includes information in English, and the other side is in another language, like Spanish, for example.
ACCORDION FOLD BROCHURE. Accordion folds are usually over three panels folded back and forth. This type is ideal when you have four or more sections or business specializations you need to feature on your brochure because you can have more panels to discuss each business segment.
DOUBLE-GATE FOLD. A double-gate brochure has two sides folded in, so they look like two doors opening when you unfold them. You often see people use this brochure type for printing invitations.
DOUBLE PARALLEL. When you see a brochure folded in half and then folded in half again to create more panels, you're looking at a double parallel brochure. All the double parallel brochure panels have content about the business or the products, except for the front, which is for the brochure cover, and the back, which usually contains company information or contact details.
ROLL FOLD. A roll-fold brochure is similar to a tri-fold but has four or more panels. They make a fantastic alternative to the standard bi-fold brochure because it allows a more dramatic reveal of information whenever the reader unfolds them. It is ideal for presenting company history or for telling a story that is developing as the readers spread the brochure.
Got Brochure Questions? We Have Brochure Answers!
Now that you know the different brochure types, you can choose the one that best suits your intended purpose. And if you are looking for a brochure printing partner to meet and exceed your quality printing needs, contact Michael Duhr and his crew at Foote Printing.