We want to help you get the best quality products, so when you create your own design for your printed products from Foote Printing, follow these instructions and tips to help us help you!
Most people use three main software systems to create their print designs: Photoshop for pictures, Illustrator for logos, and InDesign to bring it all together in your desired layout.
The Three Most Important Things to Keep in Mind for InDesign
Link Fonts and Logos
By going to "Find Fonts," you are able to see if all of your fonts are linked to the InDesign template. Likewise, you want to make sure that your logos are linked as well.
We always ask for high resolution, so when you are exporting your files from InDesign, choose either "High-Quality Print" or "Press Quality." However, if you choose "Press Quality," then you will need to make sure your bleed marks are accurate.
Before you send over your designs to us, you should make sure that you have at least an eight-inch bleed around the edges of your layout. This helps to prevent any of your material being cut off in the production process.
Export Your File
After you have completed the steps above, you should be all set to export and send your file to us for use. If you have any questions about how to export, how to measure your bleed, or anything else regarding your print design, please contact us at Foot Printing today.